At Kooth, we create a welcoming space for effective personalised digital mental health care. Available to all.
Investor-related information for shareholders.
Since 2001 Kooth has grown to become one of the largest and most trusted providers of digital mental health in the UK.
At Kooth, our sole purpose is to create easy to access online mental health services that work alongside you to provide compassionate and effective support.
We build and deliver a product that preserves anonymity and removes the barrier of stigma and access. Accessibility is at the heart of our product design and clinical delivery.
We use outcomes to prove what we do works and we use data to constantly provide a more tailored and personalised experience.
Launch of California service
$188m four year contract in California
Significant US contract in California
Contract with State of Pennsylvania formalised
Significant US Contract Win
Partnership with Chartered Management Institute
Admission to AIM and First Day of Dealing
28 February 2025
13 February 2025
12 February 2025