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2023 Year Review

Chair’s Statement

Without doubt, 2023 has been a transformational year for Kooth, with significant growth and progress towards our vision to build mentally healthier populations by providing everyone with access to effective digital support from their first moment of need. I want to thank all members of the team in both the UK and US for their incredible hard work in delivering on the opportunities that have presented themselves to us. In addition, I want to record my appreciation to our customers who entrust us as custodians for the mental health of their populations.

Reflecting on the progress we have made in the US since late 2021 ― first in Pennsylvania, and then in California ― we are grateful for the endorsement of our innovation, clinical efficacy, and scale. The rapid progress we are making in the US would not be possible without the proof points we have developed over decades in the UK.

Chief Executive
Officer’s Statement

"Building on the strong foundations we have developed in the UK."


Tim Barker
Chief Executive Officer


Read CEO's review in full

Financial Performance

A record year for growth



(2022: £20.1m)



(2022: £1.6m)



(2022: £0.8m)

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